Accounts Opened
Potential Wealth Created

Investment & Retirement

Use the form bellow to calculate how much you can expect to have in retirement.

if you were born in 1960 or later, 67 years old is the age at which you can retire with full benefits.
This should be the total of all your retirement accounts including 401(k)s, IRAs, 403(b)s, etc. This is the amount you add to your retirment savings each month. Historically, the long term return of the S&P 500 has been roughly 10%


Want to learn about the stock market and how to build wealth for you and your family?  Register for an upcoming event that will provide you the knowledge and confidence to take the next step.  We will spend about 30 minutes discussing the history of the stock market and how it works, and then we will help you open up a stock market account if you are interested


My Why begins with my two minor sons and a desire to create generational wealth. My why ultimately has no ending and will continue long after I have departed this world. I have participated in two educational sessions offered by John Travis and his team. The sessions provide an easy-to-understand approach to investing for all age groups. I particularly enjoyed the small group atmosphere and the opportunity to obtain one to one assistance as needed. My only regret is that I wish I had been introduced to My Why at a younger age.
Dr. Lydia D. Barnwell-Dunn

My children and grandchildren are the reasons for My Why. This provides the opportunity for my legacy to build on a foundation, not have to dig and lay a foundation for themselves. This means that we have a true opportunity to teach generations how to make the money that they worked for now work for them.
Pastor Paul H. Bush

It’s amazing to see God move on His people to inspire others during challenging times. The “My Why” sessions presented by John Travis and his son display an unselfishness to share their earthly knowledge with others to help close the wealth gap between the haves and have nots on a level for anyone to understand. Obedience is better than sacrifice. I thank Mr. Travis and the “My Why” organization for their obedience and sacrifice.
Mrs. Donna Moore Wesby

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